Club Jump IN! makes Parachutist!
Brian Touhey lead the way to ZHills this winter and Skydive New England jumpers for Club Jump IN! followed. Brian’s charge helped earn members their SCR, Star Crest Recipient award and made Parachutist this month! Brain Touhey is an infamous local Skydive New England jumper and part of the local T-Minus :01 Skydiving four way team. And although a small article, a BIG win for these younger and upcoming jumpers! Congrats!
Jump In! is made up of new and up and coming jumpers providing a seamless transition between student status and the jumping community. Experienced jumpers help newbies learn the ropes in all aspects of jumping, from gear to safety and aerial skills. The community nature of the group naturally attracts experienced jumpers into the fold and online conversations are safe enough that any question is valid. One of the coolest outcomes was the group taking on canopy safety, one of the biggest issues with new students on the DZ. Because the conversation was there, it was natural for members to discuss, decide and try new ideas to help keep SNE’s skies safe. If you are at SNE and blow the pattern, you might just getting a talking to by someone with 30 Jumps!!!!!!
What is unfolding at our DZ is a natural and close knit community. Brian is one of the prime leaders in the community who saw the opportunity to be involved and Jumped IN! His trip to Zhills is one of many. He regularly leads groups to the tunnel in NH in conjunction with North East Air Crack. It’s a great group. We also do Jump IN! Wednesdays on the DZ with a BBQ, which has turned into a pot luck affair attracting families and spouses. Late afternoon jumping and post jump seminars are the norm now.
The model will work for just about any drop zone. I have always had the idea of taking this national. If you would like more info on how to set up a group like this at your DZ or just want to know more, contact me, The Harry Parker
All the best!
You can check out the Zhills trip story and photos on my post “Touhey’s Defrost Tour”
Club jump in

Fiona Shinkfield, James Garabedian, Brian Touhey, Andrew Boisvert, LeeAnn Bouchard, Brandon Aaskov, Nicole Be, Una Dunne