Got a lot to write about. Very busy here at SNE! Was thrown an ASAP by director and marketing genius Foggy with a job of getting video shots for a cable TV commercial for our snack shack, The Rip Cord. Did it all in one take, they used most of it. Shot in between tandem video loads and used every opportunity to check off the shot list I was given. Or, I should say the shot list I demanded. The shot list helped tremendously to acquire the footage needed in the shortest amount of time.
I even broke out a reflector for some portions of it. Shooting while working tandem videos meant that everything shot ended up being in the current tandem video for that jump. So, it had to be fun and spontaneous. I used random jumpers exiting before me and everyone was a good sport about it. This is such good practice, working on the fly with the looming tandem video 15 minute call countdown in the background of it all.
Skydiving in general is an ADD’ers paradise but for me SNE rules. There is always something to do, be a part of and a mission to complete. Below is the commercial as it airs on cable TV. Kinda cheesy, but sure to bring a smile to your face!