Pink Skies – The Story behind Jump For The Cause

THPEvent, Press, Skydiving

Reserve your seat!
Pink Skies Private Screening, Thursday, February 17 · 6:00pm – 10:00pm, Bay Area, California.


Find Pink Skies on FACEBOOK

Skydiving is on top again with another large charity drive bringing “Cause Marketing” to the skydiver’s mix on publicity.
The girls from Jump for the Cause have put together a very professional piece on the event and impacts of Breast Cancer in today’s culture. If you are in the Bay Area at this time, don’t miss this chance to witness Skydiving’s impact on Breast Cancer Awareness. And of course the fun only skydivers can produce. A great night in the city for sure.
Many of you might know Team ILL Vision’s Jump for the Cause Participant, Kriss Sosso, who will be on hand to sign autographs.
Hope to see you all there!

The Trailer for Pink Skies is Below, check it out.

Pink Skies movie trailer from Pink Skies on Vimeo.