Yes, You too can Skydive The Bahamas! This is an exclusive opportunity to visit one of the most unspoiled ocean paradise islands left with in stones throw of the U.S. Being here is not only a cure for the skydivers winter blues but also an…….Adventure. Getting to and from the island is a mission. Once there the amenities are hands down the best one can find on an almost deserted island surrounded by some of the most untouched areas of the Bahama chain. This means not only privacy but incredible fishing, isolated surfing, Kite Boarding and Skydiving where the lobsters are bigger than cats and conchs the size of your head! An intimate and delicious experience to say the least.
The Bahamas is a country consisting of 29 islands, located in the Atlantic Ocean north of Cuba and looks really cool from the air and space. The islands history is rich of Rum, Pirates and smugglers of all types. The Bahamas have real character and the natives are super nice. Much of the islands are very remote with little in services or people. Just islands in the middle of an ocean. A real island get-a-way just minutes from the coast of Florida.
Weather is usually a constant, as in constantly gorgeous, and during the winter months the infamous “trade winds” are always keeping one dry and comfortable. People from all over the world and from just about every level of society cruise through these islands all winter long. From massive mansion type power yachts to single sailing cruisers, it’s all here. A melting pot of Caribbean enthusiasts in search of sailing, motoring, diving, snorkeling, kite boarding, surfing and just disappearing. It’s one of those places you never know who you are talking too. A place where last names don’t exist and billionaires and pirate bums mingle as one.
To See the Details: Check out the Skydive Rum Cay Page
for a limited time,
there is the ability to skydive on one of these islands.”
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The Story:
Let me say, this trip is not for everyone. If you are looking for 5 star accommodations, servants, twin otters and everything made easy, then stop reading now. If adventure, flexibility and spontaneity are your thing and you LOVE the beach, then read on. This is an opportunity to gather some friends and do something on your own. Private and exclusive. It’s your trip, your time line, your choices of what to do and when to do it.
This trip is an adventure on one of the out lying islands, Rum Cay. One of the smaller islands, it comprises only 29 square miles running 10 miles east to west and spanning only 5 miles at the eastern end and is inhabited by a little over 80 people. It’s simple, has few roads, a 4500 foot paved runway, electricity, running water and no crime. True luxuries on an outlying island. Everything we take for granted here is a luxury there.
There is tons to do. Everyday was filled with extended beach trips, serious snorkeling, island excursions including the salt pond, paddle boarding or even kite boarding lessons. We were there for four nights and didn’t get to do it all. I highly recommend staying more then four nights. It just goes by way to quick. Oh yeah, and you can go skydiving over the island, which is a view unto itself. You can see the water drop off to 1700-3500 feet right off the beaches. “Every landing is a beach landing.”
Getting there is an adventure. There is no actual time table or flight schedule for Rum Cay. This is worked out through existing Nassau island airlines by organizers. It’s not hard, just need to be worked out in advance. Getting to Nassau is easy. Jet Blue is by far the best choice. Making an 8:00am flight to Nassau we arrived in Rum Cay around 2:30pm. This gave us time for a quick lunch on Nassau and time to get supplies like cases of beer and rum.
I must say, landing in Nassau I could feel the fear and anxiety, we as Americans now live with, just fall away. As your feet hit Nassau, it really is being away from it all. During a conversation about the weather an islander commented “It’s nature, don’t question it.” And that was it. That was the beginning of a change in latitude and I then finally began to hear the steel drums from outside and I began to relax. Once you hit Rum Cay……………”Freedom is in the air.”
The Sumner Marina and Resort has a long history as does Rum Cay. Because of its location and the marina being the only thing on the island, those who venture there intend to do so. And many of those return year after year. So I guess one could say there is a thriving little community of transient locals. All super nice, generous and outgoing. These are qualities you will find in the sailing and boating community, rich or poor. There is a deep profound happiness and peace that is infectious.
Sumner Point Marina is an ongoing process. Everyday there is some sort of improvement being made, a conversation, an idea being implemented. Kinda cool to get to say I saw it back in the day. it’s easy to see how this place will grow as people find out about it. I am sure a bigger DZ will pick up some dates as will other groups. They have fuel for boats, which is huge. If you have your own plane, they have an airport, or should I say runway big enough to handle jets. It’s not hard to imagine future growth.
There are four little cottages and one bigger house. All the living accommodations are nice and comfortable. The four cottages have queens with one having four bunk beds. I stayed in the bunk bed house. All three are comfortable, have A/C, full clean bathrooms and are right on the beach facing the sunset. The bigger house can hold up to six with two bedrooms, a full kitchen, living room and dinning room. There are also two BIG homes that can be utilized for bigger groups. Super nice, new and clean. The main “lodge/Bar” is well done with wireless internet, big windows, a gorgeous bar and custom crafted coral pieces everywhere.
One of the real highlights of the trip is this felt more like a bunch of friends then being at a resort. All the staff is happy, content and worked hard to make sure we all got to do whatever it was we wanted to do. Pirate Brother “Billy” is boat captain and he and “JJ” work together. One of the daily duties is to forage for food for the evening. All dinners included fresh fish, conch and lobster cooked various ways including raw sushi-mi.
The merman was “JJ” and everyday he ended up foraging for fresh dinner. I was afforded the opportunity to hunt with him and Billy one day. There was no keeping up. The water is “Gatorade Blue” and crystal clear with visibility seemingly exceeding 100′ plus. We snorkeled for a couple of hours with Billy keeping a close watch. I was privy to some of the most awesome coral heads and fish I’ve seen in years. Aquarium, is what comes to mind. “JJ” knew every hole, every corner and by the time we came back to the beach we were loaded with Conchs, Lobster and Grouper. Every evening was a celebration as every local brought and cooked something. Felt more like a Thanksgiving then a dinner at a resort. I was truly amazed at the abundance and generosity from all of the locals and staff. Super Bowl Sunday was off the hook! More then enough food and Hartley’s famous rum cake!
The skydiving portion begins with Jesse, a well known kite boarder and distributor of water sports products at Liquid Surf & Sail. Jesse jumps at Skydive Sebastian and the infamous Lyle Presse and Jesse have hooked up to bring events and kite boarding to Sebastian. Check out Lyle’s Kite Board Sebastian Site. Jesse proved to be a great guide and kept in touch with the group and kept us all moving for the duration of the trip. Jesse has rich history in the Bahamas and always knows what’s up, where to go and what to do. Jesse’s idea was to create a little haven where people could go, close by, and partake in as many cool activities as possible. And so, the idea of getting a plane for jumping was born. Now the island has a C-206, brand new from tip to tail, to haul jumpers to 7-10K feet, inter island transportation and cargo. So, on top of ALL the island beach activities, the kite boarding, the surfing, the snorkeling and world class fishing, now one can get a couple of jumps in as well. Now, that’s pretty cool.
Jumping on the island is not for the beginner. You must have some water training at least and have decent and reliable accuracy skills. There is no FAA or USPA or S&TA. It’s all you buddy! FREEDOM. Going into the water or landing in the heavy island jungle brush is not the way to end a skydive, but it can happen. Most water landings are not a problem and do happen. Rinse, Repeat, Repack. No problem. Sometimes there is a boat nearby, sometimes not. If you are thinking about jumping at Rum Cay make sure you can land reliably and have some practice on water landing, recovery and self rescue. Much of that can be learned on the island, but come prepared.
Skydiving is not the main focus, but rather and incredible luxury, amenity choice for activities for the day. Making two jumps a day would be a mission, but is more then doable depending on the group. And that’s the cool thing. As the groups are small, it’s your call. Make a jump, snorkel some of the most untouched waters around, learn to kite-board, paddle-board, Lay on the beach, take advantage of world class fishing and diving, have a drink, the choice is yours. Just you and your closest friends.
I don’t think I have ever seen something quite like this. To try and make a call on what this trip would be like for some one else would be difficult. I can imagine that every trip is a little different, depending on the group who’s actually there and one’s primary focus. I can say one thing, if you like the beach, if you enjoy a real get-a-way, enjoy being with your friends, might be into kite boarding, like to surf, eat seafood, or just like being in and around the water, you will have a great time. I know I want go back.
Do you want to go? Does this sound exciting, a good time? Let’s go! We will soon be taking reservations for December 2011 through April 2012. Details on the main page. Check out all the smiles in pics and if you can see yourself there, GO! This really is one of those opportunities or invites that might not come around again.
STAFF: No one has any titles. They are all island pirates, so I will give it try. Everyone has smiles and enjoys a good time making sure you get your good time. Bobby is the owner. I didn’t get a chance to meet him, but heard many stories. He was sorely missed by everyone this trip. Jesse is the sports motivator, extreme kiteboarder and entrepreneur.
Rasta is the main manager, driver, vibe guy. He’s the git-r-done guy for sure and also holds the whip of logic, if there was such a thing. Rasta also is a coral carver and much of his work is displayed in the bar and all over the resort.
Hartley works the kitchen and lodge and is always around to get whatever you need, especially that fresh cup of coffee in the morning.
JJ and Billy work the boat and island activities and are excellent hunter gatherers.
Aniko is a beautiful women from hungry and is preparing to open a full service dive
center. She is also a skydiver, so you know you have at least one friend when you get there. And that goes for Dave too, the pilot! An SNE skydiver and all around hard worker at the resort, Dave is your ticket to ride.
If you would like to see ALL the pics,
check them out in the Gallery.
To See the Details: Check out the Skydive Bahamas Rum Cay Page
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